Основные публикации обзорного характера по Тунгусской проблеме
(на английском языке)

(Хронологический список, составлен Андреевым Г. 15.08.02)


Oliver C.P. The great Siberian meteorite. //Scientific American, 1928, vol.139, No. 1, p.42-44.

"What a Meteor Did to Siberia". // In: "The Literare Digest", March 16, 1929, p.33-34.

Whipple F.J.W. The great Siberian meteor and the waves, seismic and aenal, which it produced. // Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 1930, vol.16, N 236,p. 287- 304.

Crowther J.G. More about the great Siberian meteorite. // Scientific American, 1931, vol. 144, No. 5, p. 314-317.

Astapovich I.S. Air waves caused by the Fall of the Meteorite on 30th June, 1908, in Central Siberia. // Quart. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 1934, v.60, N 257, p. 493-504.

Whipple F.J.W. On phenomena related to the great Siberian meteor. // Quart. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 1934, v.60, N 257, p. 505-513.

Kulik L. On history of the bolide of 1908, June 30. // Contribs Soc. Res. On Meteorites, 1935, N 1, p. 29-34.

Kulik L. History of the bolide of June 30, 1908, // Popular Asyronomy, 1935, vol. 43, N 8, p. 499-504.

Kulik L. On the fall of the Podkamennaya Tunguska meteorite in 1908. // Contribs Soc. Res. on Meteorites, 1935, N 1, p. 35-39.

Kulik L.A. Preliminary results of the meteorite expeditions made in the decade 1921-31. // Contribs. Soc. Res. on Meteorites, 1936, N 2, p. 15-20 (and in "Popular Astronomy, 1936, vol.44, N 4, p.215-220).

Astapowitch I.S. Nеw data сопсегning the fall of the Great (Tungus) meteorite on Juпе 30, 1908, in Сепtга1 Siberia // Сопtгibs Sос. Rеs.оп Меtеоrites, 1940, v.2, N 3, р. 203-226.

La Paz L. The energy of the Podkamennaya Tunguska, Siberia, meteorite fall. // Popular Astronomy, 1948, v.56, p.330-331.

Kulik L.A. Data on the Tunguska meteorite obtained by 1939. // In: "Source Book in Astronomy 1900-1950", ed. Harlow Shapley, 1960, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 4 p.

Sotkin I.T., Florensky K.P. Einige Ergebnisse der Tunguschen Meteoriten-expedition im Jahre 1958. // Chemie der Erde, 1960, B20, H 4, s. 183

Krinov E.L. The Tunguska meteorite. //Intern. Geology Review, 1960, v.2, N 1, p. 8-19.

Parry A. The Tungus Mistery: Was it a space-ship? // In the book: "Russia's Rockets and Missies", 1961, London: Macmillan, p. 248-267.

Krinov E.L. The Tunguska and Sikhote-Alin meteorites. //In "The Moon, Meteorites and Comets (Eds. Middlehurst B. and Kuiper G.P.), Chicago, 1963.

Florensky K.P. Did a comet collide with the Earth in 1908?. // Sky & Telescope, 1963, vol.25, No. 26, p. 268-269.

Krinov E.L. The Tunguska meteorite.// In the book "Giant meteorites", New York: Pergamon Pres., 1966, p. 125-265.

Martin H. Die Tunguska - Katastrophe in geophysikalischer Sicht. // Sterne, 1966, v.42, N 3-4, p. 45-51.

Zigel F. Nuclear explosion over the Taiga: Study of the Tunguska meteorite. // In: "Joint Publications Research Service", 1962, Washington, D.C., JPRS-13480, 4 p.

Cowan C., Atluri C.R., Libby W.F. Possible anti-matter content of the Tunguska meteor of 1908. // Nature, 1965, v.206, N 4987, p. 861-865.

Gentry R.V. Anti-matter Content of the Tunguska Meteor.// Nature, 1966, vol. 211, p. 1071-1072.

Lerman J.C., Mook W.G., Vogel J.C. Effect of the Tunguska meteor and sunspots on radiocarbon in tree ring. //Nature, 1967, v.216, N 5119, p. 990-991.

La Paz L. Dirac - matter and the Tungus meteorite - fall. // J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 1968, v.78, p. 437-445.

Glass B.P. Silicate spherules from Tunguska impact area. // Science, 1969, v.164, N 3879, p. 547-549.

Bronshten V.A. Propagation of air chock waves from the Tunguska meteorite, with atmospheric inhomogeneity considered.//Solar. Sys. Res., 1972, vol.6, p. 18-22.

Jacson A.A., Ryan M.P. Was the Tunguska event due to a black hole? // Nature, 1973, vol. 245, No. 5420, p.88-89.

Ben - Menachem A. Souise parameters of the Sibebrian explosion of 30. 1908. from analysis and synthesis of Seismic sygnals at four stations. // Physics of the Earth and planetary interiors. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1975, v.11, p. 1-35.

Burns J.O. et al. The Tungus Event as a small Black Hole: Geophysical Considerations. // Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 1976, vol. 175, p. 355-357.

Korobeinikov V.P. et al. Mathematical Model and Computation of the Tunguska Meteorite Explosion. // Acta Astronautica, 1976, vol. 3, p. 615-622.

Baxter J., Atkins T. The fare came by the riddle of the great Siberian explosion. - 1976, New York, 165 p.

Suslov I.M. In search of the Great Meteorite of 1908. // In book: Baxter J., Atkins T. "The fare came by the riddle of the great Siberian explosion" - 1976, New York, p.151-153.

Kresak L. The Tunguska object: a fragment of comet Encke? // Bull. Astr. Inst. Czech., 1978, v.29, N 3, p. 129-134.

Liu V.C. A test of the comet hypothesis of the Tunguska meteor fall: nature of meteor "thermal" explosion paradox. // Geophys. Res. Lett., 1978, v.5, N 4,p. 309-312.

Park C. Nitric oxide production by Tunguska meteor. //Acta Astronomica, 1978, v.5, p. 523-542.

Lang B. The Astapovich - Whipple - Fessenkov (AWF) hypothesil and the mechanism of the Tunguska explosion of 1908. // Meteoritics, 1979, v.l4, N 4, p. 468-469.

Turco R., Toon 0., Park C., Whitten R.C., Pollack J., Nordlinger P. An analysis of the physical, chemical, optical and historical impacts of the 1908 Tunguska meteor fall. // Icarus, 1982, v.50, N 1, p. 1-52.

Sekanina Z. The Tunguska event: no cometary signature in evidence. //Astron. J., 1983, v.88, N 1, p. 1382-1414.

Ganapathy R. The Tunguska explosion of 1908: discovery of the meteoritic debris near the explosion site and the South pole. // Science, 1983, v.220, N 4602,p. 1158-1161.

Rassmussen K.L., Clausen H.B., Risbo T. Nitrate in the Greenland ice sheet in the year following the 1908 Tunguska event. // Icarus, 1984, v.58, N 1, p. 101-108.

Zbik M. Morphology of the Outermost Shells of the Tunguska Black Magnetic Spherules.// J. Geophys. Res., 1984, vol. 89, B605-B611.

Levin B.Yu., Bronshten V.A. The Tunguska event and the meteors with terminal flares. // Meteoritics, 1986, v.21, N 2, p. 199-215.

Bagnall P.M. The Tunguska event. // J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 1988, vol.98, # 4, p.184-188.

Vasilyev N., Andreev G. On the necessity of international investigation into the 1908 Tunguska Event. // WGN (J. Intern. Meteor Organisation),.- 1989, N. 17:4.- P. 122-126.

Vasilijev N., Andreev G.V. An international Tunguska program. //WGN (J. Intern. Meteor Organisation), 1989, v. 17, Dec., N 6, p. 245-247.

Jehanno C., Boclet D., Danon J., Robin E., Rocchia R. Etudes analytique de spherules provenant du site de l'explosion de la Toungouska. // C.R. Acad. Sci. 1989. Paris, vol. 308, Serie II, p. 1589-1595.

D'Alessio S.J.D., Harms A.A. The nuclear and Aerial Dynamics of the Tunguska Event. // Planet. Space Sci., 1989, vol. 37, p. 329-340.

Andreev G.V. Was the Tunguska 1908 Event caused by an Apollo asteroid? // Proc. "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors.III.", C.I. Lagerkvist and H.Rickman (eds.), Uppsala, Sweden.- 1990. - P. 240-244.

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V. International program in the "Tunguska region". // Proc. of the Int. Meteor Conf. (IMC'89), Balatonfoldvar, Hungary, 5-8 Oct. 1989.- Budapest.-1990.-P.22-24.

Andreev G., Korlevic K. Report on the 1-st International Tunguska Expedition // WGN.-1990.-N. 18:6. -P.215-216.

Korlevic K., Andreev G. Report on the First International Tunguska Expedition // Proc. of the Intern. Meteor Conf., 6-9 Sept.,1990, Violau.-Veitsbronn, Germany.-1991. - P. 25-27.

Andreev G.V. International Program for studies of ecological consequences of Earth collisions with small bodies in the Solar system // Proc. of the "ntern. Meteor Conf. Potsdam, 19 - 22 Sept., 1991", 1992, Potsdam, P. 82-84.

Andreev G., Vasilyev N. The Tunguska Expeditions // J. "Impacts".-1992, N. 4.- P. 19-20.

Andreev G., Ceccini S., Galli M., Longo G., Serra R., Vasilyev N. International Tunguska expedition preliminary results // Материалы Третьей Томской Международной междисциплинарной научно-технической школы-семинара "Непереодические быстропротекающие явления в окружающей среде", 20-26 апреля 1992 г.,Томск. -Томск, Часть IV.-1992.- С. 3-9. (in English)

Andreev G. International aspects of studies of an ecological consequences at Earth collisions with the Solar System small bodies //Материалы Третьей Томской Международной междисциплинарной научно - технической школы - семинара "Непереодические быстропротекающие явления в окружающей среде", 20-26 апреля 1992 г.,Томск. -Томск, Часть IV.-1992.- С. 10-14.(in english)

Andreev G., Vasilyev N. Collisional evolution of biosphere on the example of the Tunguska Catastrophe of 1908 //"The friend of the star" (Journal of the Nippon Meteor Society.-1992, N. 4.12.- P.49-65.

Yavnel' A.A. Time of Transmit and Trajectory of the Tungus Meteorite, from data collected in 1908. // Solar Sys. Res., 1992, vol. 25, p. 381-386.

Gorelli R. II gemello Braziliano della Tungusca. // Astronomia UAI, 1992, N 4,p. 2.

Gorelli R. About the Brazilian "Tunguska event". // WGN, J. Intern. Meteor Organization, 1992, v.20, N 6, p. 223.

Korobeinikov V.P., Gusev S.B., Chushkin P.I., Shurshalov L.V. Flight and fracture of the Tunguska cosmic body into the Earth's atmosphere. // Computers Fluids, 1992, v.2l, N 3, p. 323-330.

Ricciardi V. II "gemello" Braziliano dell'evento della Tunguska. //Protecta, 1992, N 11, p. 27-29.

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V., Goldin V.D. 1908 Tunguska Event: Energy, Orbit, Composition, Origin // Abstracts for IAU Simp. 160: "Asteroids. Comets. Meteors. 1993", Belgirate (Novara), Italy, June 14-18, 1993. - P. 11.

Andreev G., Vasilyev N. Biosfarens kollisionstyda utveckling, belyst av Tunguska - Katastrofen 1908 // Astronomisk Tidsskrift. - 1993, March.- Arg. 26, N. 1. - P. 11-18 (in sweden).

Chyba C.F., Thomas P.J., Zahnie K.J. The 1908 Tunguska explosion: atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid. // Nature, 1993, v.361, p. 40-44.

Chyba C. Death from the Sky. // Astronomy, December 1993, p. 38-44.

Melosh H.J. Tunguska cames down to Earth. // Nature, 1993, vol.361, p. 14.

Galli M., Longo G., Serra R., Cecchini S. La spedizioneval luogo della "catastrofe di Tunguska".//Il Nuovo Saggiatore, 1993, vol 5/6, p/ 85-94. (in italy)

Steel D. , Ferguson R., Auroral Observations in the Antarctic at the time of the Tunguska Event, 1908 June 30. // Austral. J. Astron., 1994, vol. 5, 1-10.

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V. The Tunguska 1908 Explosion's region as an International Park of studies of the ecological consequences of collisions of the Earth with the Solar system small bodies // Abstracts for "Small Bodies in the Solar System and their Interaction with the planets", Mariehamn, Aland, August 8-12, 1994. - P. 4.

Vasilyev N., Andreev G.,Alekseev V. The perspectives of Tunguska meteorite ecological consequences estimation using the aeropace monitoring method // IAC'4: Int. Aerospace Congress. Theory. Applications. Technologies. Abstracts, August 15-19, 1994, Moscow. - P. 69.

Longo G., Serra R., Cecchini S., Galli M. Search for microremnants of the Tunguska cosmic body. // Planet. Space Sci., 1994, v.42, N 2, p. 163-177.

Serra R., Cecchini S., Galli M., Longo G. Experimental hints on the fragmentation of the Tunguska cosmic body. //Planet. Space Sci., 1994, v.42, N 9, p. 777-783.

Gallant R.A. Journey to Tunguska, // Sky & Telescope, 1994, vol. 87, p. 38-43.

Trayner C., Perplexities of the Tungus Meteorite. // The Observatory, 1994, vol. 114, p. 227-231.

Korlevic K. L'Enigma Tunguska: Finalmente la soluzione! //Orione , 1994, No. 21, p. 22-27.

Longo G., Serra R. Some answers from Tunguska Mute witnesses. // Meteorite!, 1995, p. 12-13.

Lyne J.E., Tauber M. Origin of the Tunguska event. // Nature, 1995, v.375, p. 638-639.

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V. An international program for studies of ecological consequences of the Earth collisions with the Solar System small bodies (From the point of view of the Tunguska Catastrophe of 1908) //Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions.- 1995,Vol.8.-P.311-315.

Bronsten V.A., Zotkin I.T. Tunguska meteorite: fragment of a comet or of an Asteroid? // Solar Sys. Res., 1995, vol. 29, p/ 241-245.

Rasmussen K.L. et al. No iridium anomaly after the 1908 Tunguska Impact: Evidence from the Greenland ice core. // Meteoritics, 1995, vol. 30, p. 634-638.

Steel D. Tunguska and the Kagarlyk meteorite. // The Observatory, 1995, vol. 115,No. 1126, p.136.

Andreev, G.V., Vasilyev, N.V. The Tunguska 1908 Explosion's Region as an International Park of Studies of the Ecological Consequences of Collisions of the Earth with the Solar System Small Bodies // Earth, moon, and planets. -1996, v 72, n 1 / 3, P. 467.

Andreev G., Epictetova L. Tunguska eyewitness recollections of local effects and of worldwide atmospheric effects // International workshop Tunguska96, Abstracts. Bologna (Italy), July 15-17, 1996; - p. 3.

Vasilijev N.V. The Tunguska Meteorite Problem Today. // Planetary and Space Sci. Special issue: International Work-shop TUNGUSKA 96. Bologna (Italy), 15-17 July 1996. Vol.46, n.2/3; 1998 P.129-150.

Stone R. The last great impact on Earth. //Discover (The world of Sci.), Sept., 1996, p. 60-71.

Trayner C., Stanley G. The 1994 Tunguska Expedition. // In: Proc. Meteor & Planetary Conf., Violau, Bavaria, 1996.

Bailey M. Tunguska' 95 Conference Summary. // Meteorite!, 1996, p. 18-19.

Trayner C. The Tunguska Event. // J. Br. Astron. Assoc., 1997, vol. 107, No. 3, p. 117-130.

Olk'hovatov A. Surviving Tunguska. // Meteorite!, 1997, vol. 3, No, 4, p.24-25.

Shafer W.A. Feuer uber Tunguska. // Star Observer, 1998, vol. 12, p. 52-56. (in dutch)

Rassmussen K.L., Olsen H.J.F. , Gwozdz R., Kolesnikov E.M. Evidence for a very high carbon/iridium ratio in the Tunguskaimpactor // Meteoritics and Planet. Sci.-1999.-V.34,№6-P.891-895.

Longo G. & the Tunguska 99 Expedition Team. // Bull. AAS, 1999, vol. 31, 1591.

Bronsten V.A. The nature of the Tunguska meteorite. // Meteoritics&Planetary Sci.. 1999, Vol. 34, p. 723-728.

Bronsten V.A. On the nature of the Tunguska meteorite. // Astron. & Astroph., 2000, vol.359, p. 777-779.

Amaroli L., Andreev G., Anfinogenov J. et al. A multitisciplinary investigation in the site of the Tunguska explosion // In Conf. Proc. Vol. 68 "What are the Prospects for Cosmic Physics in Italy?", S.Aiello and A.Blanco (Eds.), Bologna 2000, pp. 113-120.

Farinella P., Foschini L., Froeschle Ch., Gonczi R., Jopek T.J., Longo G., Michel P. Probable asteroidal origin of the Tunguska Cosmic Body. // Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2001, vol. 377, No. 3, p. 1081-1097.



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