Список публикаций по Тунгусской проблематике, подготовленный
Н.А. Лебедевой (г. Екатеринбург)

Список публикаций на английском языке


Alekseev V.A.
New aspects of the Tunguska meteorite problem
Planetary and Space Sci. Special issue: International Workshop TUNGUSKA 96. Bologna (Italy), 15-17 July 1996. 1998, 46, 2-3, 169-177

d'Allessio S.J.D. and Harms A.A.
The nuclear and aerial dynamics of Tunguska event
Planet. Space Sci. 1989, 37, 329-340

Amaroli L., Andreev G., Anfinogenov J. et al.
A multidisciplinary investigation in the site of the Tunguska explosion
Conf. Proc. "What are the Prospects for Cosmic Physics in Italy?", S.Aiello and A.Blanco (Eds.), Bologna 2000, Vol. 68, 113-120.

Andreev G.V.
International Program for studies of ecological consequences of Earth collisions with small bodies in the Solar system
Proc. of the Intern. Meteor Conf. Potsdam, 19-22 Sept., 1991, 82-84.

Andreev G.
Was 1908 Tunguska's Event begot by Apollo-type object?
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors. III. Abstracts. Uppsala, Sweden, 12-16 June 1989, p. 1.

Andreev G.V.
Was the Tunguska 1908 Event caused by an Apollo asteroid?
Proc. "Asteroids, Comets, Meteors.III.", C.I. Lagerkvist and H.Rickman (eds.), Uppsala, Sweden., 1990, 240-244.

Andreev G., Epictetova L.
Tunguska eyewitness recollections of local effects and of worldwide atmospheric effects
International workshop Tunguska 96, Abstracts. Bologna (Italy), July 15-17, 1996, p. 3.

Andreev G., Korlevic K.
Report on the 1-st International Tunguska Expedition
WGN, Journal of the IMO, 1990, 18, 6, 215-216


Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V.
An international program for studies of ecological consequences of the Earth collisions with the Solar System small bodies (From the point of view of the Tunguska Catastrophe of 1908)
Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, 1995,8, 311-315.

Andreev G., Vasilyev N.
Collisional evolution of biosphere on the example of the Tunguska Catastrophe of 1908
"The friend of the star" (Journal of the Nippon Meteor Society), 1992, 4.12, 49-65.

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V.
International program in the "Tunguska region"
Proc. of the Int. Meteor Conf. (IMC'89), Balatonfoldvar, Hungary, 5-8 Oct. 1989. Budapest, 1990, 22-24.

Andreev G., Vasilyev N.
The Tunguska Expeditions
J. Impacts, 1992, 4, 19-20

Andreev G.V., Vasilyev N.V., Goldin V.D.
1908 Tunguska Event: Energy, Orbit, Composition, Origin
Abstracts for IAU Simp. 160: "Asteroids. Comets. Meteors. 1993", Belgirate (Novara), Italy, June 14-18, 1993, p. 11.

Astapowitsch I.S.
On the fall of the great Siberian meteorite, June 30, 1908 (Tunguska)
Popular Astron., 1938, 46, 310-317

Astapowitsch I.S.
Tungus meteorite June 30, 1908 (Tunguska)
Popular Astron., 1940, 48, 433-443

Astapowitsch I.S.
Tungus meteorite June 30, 1908 (Tunguska)
Popular Astron., 1940, 48, 493-506

Backhouse T.W.
The "Sky - coloured clouds"
Nature, 1908, 78, 2015

Ben Menahem A.
Source parameters of the Siberian explosion of June 30 1908 from analysis and synthesis of seismic signals at four station
Phys. Earth Planet Inter., 1975, 11, 1-35

Bidyukov B. F.
The Thermoluminescent imprint of the Tunguska event.
RIAP Bulletin, 1998, January-June, 4, #1-2

Bronshten V.A.
The nature of anomalous illumination of the sky related to the Tunguska event
Solar System Res. 1991, 25 (4), 490-504

Bronshten C.A., Zotkin I.T.
Tunguska meteorite: fragment of a comet or an asteroid?
Sol. Syst. Res., 1995, 29, 241-245

Burns Gavin J.
The great Siberian meteor of 1908
Popular Astron. 1933, 41, 477-479

Burns J.O., Greenstein G., Verosub K.L.
The Tungus event as a small black hole: geophysical consideration
Mon. Notic. Roy. Astronom. Soc., 1976, 175, 2, 355-357

Chyba C.F., Tomas P.J., Zahnle K.J.
The 1908 Tunguska explosion: atmospheric disruption of a stony asteroid
Nature (London) 1993, 361, 10-44

Cowen C., Atluri C., Libby W.
Possible anti-matter content of the Tunguska meteor of 1908
Nature (London) 1965, 206, 4987, 861-865


Crommelin A.C.D.
The great Siberian meteor of 1908 June 30
J. British Astron. Assoc., 1934, 44, 242-243

Dake H.C.
Great Siberian meteorite of 1908
Mineralogist, 1959, 27, # 12-1, 253-254


Dozmarov S.V.
Some anomalies of the distribution of rare elements at the 1908 Tunguska explosion site
RIAP Bulletin, 1999. v.5, № 1-2, 10-13

Fesenkov V.
A note on the cometary nature of the Tungus meteorites
Smiths. Contr. Astrophys., 1963, 7, 305-307

Florensky K.P.
Did a comet collide with the Earth in 1908?
Sky and Telescope, 1963, 26, 5, 268-269


Ganapathy R.
The Tunguska explosion of 1908: discovery of meteoric debris near the explosion site and at the South pole
Science, 1983, 220, 4609, 1158-1161

Glass B. P.
Silicate spherules from Tunguska impact area
Science, 1969, 164, 3879, 547-549

Glass B. P.
Tunguska silicate spherules from the Tunguska impact area
Meteoritics, 1976, 11, 4, 287-288

Growther I.G.
More about the Great Siberian meteorite
Scientific American, 1931, 144, 314-317


Hitoshi Yonenobu and Chisato Takenaka
The Tunguska event as recorded in a tree trunk
Radiocarbon Volume 40, Numbers 1-2, 1998

Hogg H. S.
The Tunguska meteoric event
J. Roy Astron. Soc. Canada 1962, 56, 174-179

Hue Q., Ma P.X., Kolesnikov E.M.
Discovery of iridium and other elements anomalies near the 1908 Tunguska explosion site
Planet Space Sci., 1998, , 46, № 2/3, 179-188

Hughes D.W.
Tunguska revisisted
Nature, 1976, 259, 5545, 626-627

Hunt I.N., Palmer R., Penney S.W.
Atmospheric waves caused by large explosion
Philosophical transactions of Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Science, 1960, 252, 1011, 275-315

Ion Nistor
Tunguska - the "gas pouch" hypothesis
Internat. Workshop Tunguska 96. Program. Abstract. Participants. Bologna (Italy), July 14-17, 1996

Jackson W.A.A., Ryan M.P.
Was the Tungus event a back hole?
Nature, 1973, 245, 88-89

Junghans K. (1992):
Research about the Tunguska region via satellite images - a preliminary report
Proc. International Meteor Conf. Potsdam 1991, 85-85

Kamimura Toshio (1994):
Investigation of Possible Meteorite Fragments in a Tree Trunk Disk from the Tunguska Meteorite Site
WGN, Journal of the IMO 22, 58-59

King A.
The great Siberian meteor in 1908
The Observatory, 1930, 53, 143-144

King A.
The great Siberian meteorite.
The Observatory, 1934, 57, 391-392

Kolesnikov E.M.
Chemical and isotopic investigation of peat and spherules from the Tunguska region.
Abstr. of International Workshop "Tunguska 96", Bologna, Italy, 1996, p.6.

Kolesnikov E.M.
Isotopic investigations in the area of Tunguska catastrophe in 1908 year.
Global Catastrophes in Earth History, USA, Utah, 1988, p. 97-98.

Kolesnikov E.M.
Isotopic investigations in the area of the Tunguska explosion of 1908.
4th Working meeting "Isotopes in Nature". Leipzig, 1986.

Kolesnikov E.M.
On nature of the Tunguska Cosmic Body (1908) according to the isotopic data.
Abstr. Intern. Conf. "Isotopes in the Solar System". Ahmedabad, India, 1997, p. 10.

Kolesnikov E.M.
Search for traces of Tunguska cosmic body dispersed matter
Meteoritics, 1989, 24 (4), 288

Kolesnikov E.M., Boettger T., Hiller A., Junge F.W., Kolesnikova N.V.
Isotope anomalies of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen in peat from the area of the Tunguska Cosmic Body explosion (1908)
Isotopes Environ. Health Stud., 1996. 32, 4, 347-361

Kolesnikov E.M., Kolesnikova N.V., Boettger T. еt al.
Elemental and isotopic anomalies in peat of the Tunguska meteorite (1908) explosion area.
Proc. XIV INQUA Congress, Berlin, 1995, p. 34.

Kolesnikov E.M., Kolesnikova N.V., Boettger T.
Isotopic anomaly in peat nitrogen is a probable trace of acid rains caused by 1908 Tunguska bolide
Planetary and Space Sci. Special issue: International Workshop TUNGUSKA 96. Bologna (Italy), 15-17 July 1996. 1998, 46, 2-3, 163-167

Kolesnikov E.M., Kolesnikova N.V., Botther F., Junge F.W., Hiller A.
Elemental isotopic anomalies in peats of the Tunguska meteorite (1908) explosion area
Terra Nostra. Schriften der Alfred Wegener-Stiftung, 2/95 Abstracts, August 3-10

Kolesnikov E.M., Kolesnikova N.V., Botther F., Junge F.W.
Search for dispersed cosmic matter in peats of the Tunguska cosmic body (1908) explosion area
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, 1996, June 8-12, Versailles

Kolesnikova N.V., Kolesnikov E.M., Boettger T., Junge F.
Isotopic anomaly in peat nitrogen - a probable trace of acid rain caused by the Tunguska bolide in 1908
Abstr. of Internаtional Workshop "Tunguska 96", Bologna, Italy, 1996, p. 7-8

Korina M.F., Nazarov M.A., Barsukoba L.D.
Iridium distribution in peat layers from area of Tunguska event
Lunar and Planetary Science, 1987, 18, 501-502

Korlevic K.
Completing the 1908 Tunguska puzzle
Proc. International Meteor Conf. Puimichel 1993, 61-64

Korlevic K., Andreev G.
Report on the First International Tunguska Expedition of 1990
Proc. of International Meteor Conf., 6-9 Sept., 1990, Violau.-Veitsbronn, Germany. 1991, 25-27

Korobeinikov V.P., Chushkin P.I., Shurshalov L.V.
Gas dynamics of flight and explosion of meteorite bodies in the Earth's atmosphere
Fluid Dynamics Transactions, v. 2, pt. 2. Warszawa, PWN, 1971, 351-360

Korobeinikov V.P., Chushkin P.I., Shurshalov L.V.
Gas dynamics of flight and explosion of meteorites
Astronautica Acta, 1972, v.17, № 4/5, 339-348

Korobeinikov V.P., Chushkin P.I., Shurshalov L.V.
Interaction between large cosmic bodies and atmosphere
XXXII Congress Inter. Astronaut. Feder., Rome, 1981. Preprint IAF-81-407. N. Y. , Pergamon Press, 11 p.

Korobeinikov V.P., Chushkin P.I., Shurshalov L.V.
Mathematical model and computation of the Tunguska meteorite explosion
Acta Astronaut., 1976, 3, 615-621

Kresak L.
The Tunguska object : a fragment of comet Encke ?
Bull. Astron. Inst. Czechoslov., 1978, 29, 129-134

Kulik L.A.
The question of the meteorite of June 30, 1908, in Central Siberia
Popular Astronjmy, 1937, XLV, 10, 559


Lang Bruno
The Astapovitch-Whipple-Fessenkov hypothesis and the mechanism of the Tunguska explosion of 1908
Meteoritics 1979, 14, 468-469

La Paz
The energy of Podkamennaya Tunguska Siberia, Meteorite fall
Popular Astronomy, 1848, 56, 330-331

Lerman M., Mook W.G., Vogel I..C.
Effect of the Tunguska meteor and sunspot on radiocarbon in the tree rings
Nature, 1976, 216, 5119, 150-175

Levin B.Yu., Bronshten V.A.
The Tunguska event and the meteors with terminal flares
Meteoritics, 1986, 21 (2), 199-215

Liu V.C.
A test of the comet hypothesis of Tunguska meteorite fall: nature of the meteor "thermal" explosion paradox
Geophys. Res. Letters, 1978, 5 (4), 309-312

Longo G., Serra R., Cecchini S., Galli M.
Search for microremnants of the Tunguska Cosmic Body
Planet. Space Sci., 1994, 42, 2, 163-177

Longo G., Serra S.
Some answers from Tunguska mute witnesses
Meteorite! 1995, 12-13, 4

Lyne J.E., Tauber M.
Origin of the Tunguska event
Nature, 1995, 375, 368

Nazarov M.A., Korina M.I., Kolesov G.M., Kolesnikov E.M., Vasil'ev N.V.
The Tunguska event: mineralogical and geochemical data.
Proc. Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. XIV, 1983, p. 548-549.

Great Siberian meteorite of 1908, possibly a comet that struck the earth (Tunguska)
Popular Astron., 1942, 50, 272-273

Siberian meteor of 1908, June 30
The Observatory, 1934, 57, 155

The great meteorite fall in Siberia in 1908
J. British Astron. Assoc., 1932, 42, 188-189

The great Siberian meteorite of 1908 June
J. British Astron. Assoc., 1930, 40, 287-287

The Tunguska event
J. British Astron. Assoc., 1985, 95, 231-231

Opik E.J.
The Tunguska meteorite
Irish Astron. Journal, 1980, 14, 93-93

Padevet V.
Hypothesis of cometary origin of carbonaceous meteorites
Meteoritics, 1984, 18, 369

Park C.
Nitric oxide production by Tunguska meteor
Acta Astronaut., 1978, 5, 523-543

Plekhanov G. F., Plekhanova L. G.
On a possible ricochet of the Tunguska meteorite
RIAP Bulletin, 1998, January-June, 4, #1-2

Phillips I.W.
Brilliant sky glows, June 30 and July 1, 1908
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1908, 34, 147


Rasmussen K.L., Clausen H.B., Kallmeyn G.
No iridium anomaly after the Tunguska impact: evidence from a Greenland ice core
Meteoritics, 1995, 30, 364-368

Rasmussen K.L., Clausen H.B., Risbo T.
Nitrate in Greenland ice sheet in the following the 1908 Tunguska events
Icarus, 1984, 58, 101-108

Rocchia R., Bonte P., Jehanno C., Robun E., Anglis M., Boolet D.
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Rocchia R., Robin E., De Angelis M., Kolesnikov E.M., Kolesnikova N.V.
Search for remains of the Tunguska event.
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Romeiko V.A.
On the nature of optical anomalies in summer 1908
Solar System Res., 1991, 25 (4), 482-489

Rubtsov V. V. Alternative science?
RIAP Bulletin, 1994, July-December, 1, # 3-4

Sekanina Zd.
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Serra R., Cecchini S., Galli M., Longo G.
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Svetsov V.V.
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Vasilyev N. V.
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The Tunguska meteorite: a dead-lock or the start of a new stage of inquiry? Part II.
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Vasilyev N.V.
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Planetary and Space Sci. Special issue: International Workshop TUNGUSKA 96. Bologna (Italy), 15-17 July 1996. 1998, 46, 2-3, 129-150

Vasilyev N., Andreev G.
An International Tunguska Program
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Vasilyev N.V., Andreev G.V.
International programme in the "Tunguska region"
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Vasilyev N., Andreev G.
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Vasilyev N., Andreev G.
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Zhuravlev V. K.
The geomagnetic effect of the Tunguska explosion and the technogeneous hypothesis of the TSB Origin.
RIAP Bulletin, 1998, January-June, 4, #1-2

Библиография по Н.А. Лебедевой


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